00:35duration 35 seconds
Maytag® Refrigeration Metal Slide-Out Shelf
The signature Maytag® steel slide out shelf…
00:59duration 59 seconds
Whirlpool® Smart Appliance App
Stay in control and care from anywhere when you…
00:43duration 43 seconds
Whirlpool Smart Appliances with Smart Home…
Whirlpool Smart Appliances with Smart Home Assistants
Keep up with the kitchen with Whirlpool brand…
12:26duration 12 minutes 26 seconds
Dual Evap Access
04:18duration 4 minutes 18 seconds
Maytag FSR Demo Mode and Install
01:01duration 1 minute 1 second
Video Center Web Address - Whirlpool Corporation
Learn how to find the Whirlpool Video Center…
00:21duration 21 seconds
Tri-Freezer System - Whirlpool Refrigeration
Two upper sliding drawers and a spacious lower…
00:26duration 26 seconds
Flexible Storage - Whirlpool Refrigeration
No one offers more flexible storage1 than the…