Search for tag: "contract channel"

What Builders Should Know about Design

From  Sarah Hernandez 67 plays

KitchenAid 2015 Design

Introducing a new Era in KitchenAid Design.

From  Sarah Hernandez 372 plays

Cleveland, TN Plant - Whirlpool Contract

Building the future in Cleveland, TN home of the largest premium cooking facility on the earth with better employees, and better appliances.

From  Sarah Hernandez 2,072 plays

Introduction - Whirlpool Contract

Whirlpool Corporation has been investing in the future and leading the way with innovative design for over a hundred years.

From  Sarah Hernandez 2,068 plays

Corporate Social Responsibility - Whirlpool Contract

At Whirlpool Corporation we practice Corporate Social Responsibility with a rich history of supporting those in need because it's the right thing to do, and because it matters to our consumers.

From  Sarah Hernandez 485 plays

Sustainability that Equals More - Whirlpool Contract

Whirlpool products are designed with sustainability in mind for the consume. Sustainability means less energy, less waste, less impact on the earth, and on future generations.

From  Sarah Hernandez 116 plays

Whirlpool Brand CES - Whirlpool Contract

From  Sarah Hernandez 70 plays

Saving is Just the Start - Whirlpool Contract - Amana Brand

With Amana Brand's commitment to making simple appliances that deliver value, saving is just the start.

From  Sarah Hernandez 1,422 plays

Manufacturing - Maytag Finley - Whirlpool Contract - Maytag Brand

In Finley Ohio they make new dependable Maytag Dishwashers, every day. Built with pride because they know what's inside matters.

From  Sarah Hernandez 98 plays

Corporate History/Overview - Whirlpool Contract

For over 100 years Whirlpool has been crafting products with the consumer in mind because Whirlpool cares.

From  Sarah Hernandez 68 plays

Every day, care at CES - Whirlpool CES

From  Sarah Hernandez 114 plays

Duet HybridCare Dryer - Whirlpool CES

Take a close look at the The HybridCare Heat Pump Dryer by Whirlpool, a two Innovation Award Winner at CES!

From  Sarah Hernandez 292 plays

2015 Design - KitchenAid

KitchenAid creates an new design in 2015

From  Sarah Hernandez 2,119 plays

Every Day, Care Project - Whirlpool Commercial

Whirlpool® brand is dedicated to helping families thrive. We believe that the simple acts of care they give, every day, have the power to change the world. Join us on our mission to do just that.

From  Sarah Hernandez 1,747 plays

FIT Ventilation - Whirlpool Cooking

Whirlpool FIT system for ventilation.

From  Sarah Hernandez 1,016 plays

Beauty in the Details - Matthew Patrick Smyth

Expert Insight from award-winning designer Matthew Patrick Smyth.

From  Sarah Hernandez 577 plays