04:52duration 4 minutes 52 seconds
Learning about Extra Power with Maytag® -…
Learning about Extra Power with Maytag® - Laundry Product Training
Join one of our Sr. Sales Trainers for a product…
03:21duration 3 minutes 21 seconds
Why choose the Maytag® MVW7230HC with The…
Why choose the Maytag® MVW7230HC with The Fixit Bros.
The Fixit Brothers are finishing their episode of…
00:36duration 36 seconds
Fight Stains with the Extra Power Button on…
Fight Stains with the Extra Power Button on Maytag® Front Load Washers
Some stains dissolve best in hot water. Others in…
00:29duration 29 seconds
Boost Drying Power with the Extra Power Button on…
Boost Drying Power with the Extra Power Button on Maytag® Dryers
The Extra Power button boosts drying power on any…