Search for tag: "food preservation"

Learning about the Whirlpool® 4-Door Refrigerator - WRQA59CNK Product Training

Join one of our Sr. Sales Trainers for a product walk through of the WRQA59CNK — highlighting the Flexible Organization and Flexible Cooling Options of this refrigerator.

+51 More
From  Sarah Hernandez 1,808 plays

How TotalCoverage Cooling Works — Whirlpool® Counter-Depth 4-Door Refrigerator

Keep every shelf cold and help get rid of warm spots with TotalCoverage cooling. Fresh, chilled air flows from multiple vents to every shelf and corner, making sure that each item is cooled…

+45 More
From  Sarah Hernandez 966 plays

Food Storage & Preservation - Feature Benefit - KitchenAid Counterdepth Refrigeration

Examining the various storage options for your food, and the ways in which your food will be preserved in the new KitchenAid Counter Depth Refrigerator.

From  Sarah Hernandez 866 plays